Malta Visa


An application fee of 30,000 Euros is required to the Maltese government. After this payment, a minimum of 320,000 Euros of real estate must be purchased or a 5 (five) year lease agreement with an annual rental price of at least 12,000 Euros. After these two stages have been completed, 250,000 Euro government bonds are required. This is an investment based on government bond purchase and is returned to the holder of the residence permit with the interest to be obtained after 5 years.

A person requesting a residence permit in Malta must physically reside in Malta for at least 6 months. The Malta long-term residence permit is granted to those who have lived permanently in Malta for 5 years. In this case, the person should not have left Malta for 6 months at a time in any year of this 5-year period, which also means that he should have been out of Malta for more than 10 months in total over a 5-year period. As a citizen of Malta, you can travel freely in the Schengen area.

Your spouse aged 21 and over, and children under the age of 18 are able to apply for a Malta residence permit alongside your application.


As of 2nd June, 2021 Residency Malta Agency has launched a Nomad Residence Permit in collaboration with Identity Malta Agency. Third country nationals will be given the opportunity to work remotely from Malta for a temporary period, in line and accordance with the legal framework already in place (Regulation No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009).

In order to be eligible, applicants must prove that they are a third country national who can work location-independently, using telecommunications technologies. Furthermore, applicants must prove that they fit under any one of the following classifications:

  • Work for an employer registered abroad;
  • Conduct business activity for a company registered abroad, of which the applicant is a shareholder and/or partner; or
  • Offer freelance or consulting services to clients whose permanent establishments are in a foreign country.


The application process for Malta Citizenship by Investment is approx. 12 to 13 months. Since Malta is a member of the European Union, the applicant will have the opportunity to travel to 27 European Union member-states and Switzerland without a visa. A citizen of Malta has the legal right to enter 168 countries on a visa-free basis, including the USA, the UK, and Canada.

You can apply with a spouse and your children under the age of 18. Additionally, if your adult children are under 27 years of age, single, full-time education and not employed, you can include in your citizenship application.